The law of attraction
A Brief Summary
The Secret starts off by introducing and explaining the mechanisms of the law of attraction. in the following chapters it goes on to describe its historical applications and the great men and women in history who are claimed to have utilize its power. In this book, the law of attraction is described as a magnetic power produced by one's thoughts. The power of thoughts is likened to a transmission tower that sends out a frequency to the universe and then returns the same frequency in a physical or elemental form.
The claims made by the book are highly controversial, and has been criticized by reviewers and readers in both traditional and web-based media. The book has also been heavily criticized by former believers and practitioners, with some claiming that The Secret was conceived by the author and that the only people generating wealth and happiness from it are the author and its publishers.
Personal View
While some may feel that this book is just a load of gibberish babble, I feel that this book is a truly good read that may just change the way you see this world. I would like to end off with this quote."How the world happens for you, starts with you"